Saturday, September 10, 2011

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-10

Self portrait while holding a mirror in my hand.This was tricky but really enjoyable.Again colored pencil on colored paper with a limited color palette.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-9

A Degas copied from the book colored pencil on colored paper.The exercise mentioned using only 3 colors and complimentary colored paper.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-8

Bird drawing copied from a photograph colored pencil on colored paper.The exercise mentions drawing a bird with browns and blacks and using a complimentary colored paper.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-7

'Proud Maisie' copied from the book.Contour drawing exercise for portrait.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-6

Inverted drawing practice.I have uploaded it right side up though...
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-5

Contour drawing and shading exercise of my own hand.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-4

Contour drawing exercise of a pot in my balcony.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-3

Self Portrait Attempted by looking in the mirror.I setup a base of pencil shading and then did the drawing and setup darker shadows and erased areas for highlight.I think this is not too great a likeness but it was still a good exercise.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-2

An exercise on negative space from the book.I filled the whole paper with the pencil shading and then used an eraser to do this.I think it helped me improve my understanding of contrast and negative space.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Exercises-1

So I went through the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain which is an amazing book for anyone who wants to improve their drawing.I did all the exercises from this book and I have not yet scanned/photographed all of it yet.I am thinking of setting up a new blog just to chronicle all the drawings I did as exercises from this book and will probably do that soon.In the meantime I am uploading a few of them here.

This one is a portrait in profile of my husband from life.This is an exercise midway through the book and it took me around 1 hour to do it.I think the contour drawing exercises I did before really helped me do this one and I think its not too bad I think I got his look of concentration right :)
Some pencil portraits

Portraits from the Beginner's Portraiture course.
Learnt a lot about trying to place features on the face correctly from this workshop.
The method I followed was to take a print of the references provided to me by the instructor,take a black and white print of it and then stick it in my drawing book and try to replicate the drawing.The images I am uploading show this.My husband took pictures of my sketchbook and I have tried to correct for the difference in perspective in photoshop a little bit.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Another portrait done using Corel Painter.This time in color.Portrait done using one of the references off deviant art given to me during the figure painting workshop with Don Seegmiller.Still getting used to the interface brushes etc...hopefully will get better with practice.